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Lawn care - Bespoke 

Lawn care - Bespoke 

Lawn Care Services: Scarification, Aeration, Top Dressing, and Overseeding

Maintaining a healthy, lush lawn requires more than just regular mowing and watering. For a lawn to thrive, it needs proper care that nurtures the soil, addresses compaction, and encourages robust grass growth. Our comprehensive lawn care services, including scarification, aeration, top dressing, and overseeding, are specifically designed to meet the needs of your lawn in any condition.


Scarification is a crucial process for removing thatch—a layer of dead grass, moss, and debris that builds up between the soil and the living grass. If left untreated, thatch can prevent air, water, and nutrients from penetrating the soil, leading to weak grass growth. Our scarification service effectively removes this layer, allowing your lawn to breathe and promoting a healthier root system. By clearing out unwanted debris, we give your grass the opportunity to grow thicker and stronger.


Aeration is the process of perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots more easily. Lawns that suffer from soil compaction or heavy foot traffic can struggle to grow healthy grass due to a lack of oxygen and proper drainage. Our lawn aeration service relieves compaction, enhances root development, and improves overall soil health. By allowing your lawn to breathe, we give it the best chance to thrive and grow vibrant green grass.

Top Dressing

Top dressing involves spreading a thin layer of soil or organic material over your lawn to improve its structure and nutrient content. This service enhances the soil’s ability to retain moisture and nutrients while promoting a smoother, more even surface. Our top dressing service is designed to help balance your lawn’s pH levels, improve drainage, and support new grass growth, leaving you with a more resilient and visually appealing lawn.


Overseeding is the practice of sowing new grass seed directly onto your existing lawn to fill in thin or bare areas. This process thickens your lawn, improves its color, and increases its resistance to weeds and diseases. Whether your lawn is patchy, thinning, or struggling after a dry season, our overseeding service helps rejuvenate it, promoting a fuller, healthier turf. We carefully select the right grass seed mix to suit your lawn’s specific conditions, ensuring optimal results.

Why Choose Us?

At Leeden Gardening Solutions, we understand that every lawn is unique and requires tailored care to flourish. Our team of lawn care professionals is dedicated to assessing your lawn’s specific needs and providing the right combination of services to address any issues. Whether your lawn is compacted,

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